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Transport and Business Logistics

Level: Bachelor

Degree conferred: Professional Bachelor in Transport and Business Logistics, Manager in Transport and Business Logistics. Possibility to additionally obtain Logistics Engineering by Hogeschool Zeeland (HZ) University of Applied Sciences. 

Duration: 4 years

Registration: Reg fee 300 EUR, One time deposit 500 EUR 

Tuition fee:  3 500 € / year (In case of double degree last year HZ fees must also be paid)

Course Info

  • Guided professional internship in leading Latvian and international logistics companies, supported by professional advice from experts in the field
  • Regular guest lectures, trainings and visits organized by logistics industry representatives from Latvia and abroad
  • The study program includes the acquisition of up-to-date information technology and managerial competences (practical application in transport and logistics)
  • Opportunity to choose specialization starting from the fourth semester: Operational Logistics or Supply Chain Management
  • Opportunity to obtain two diplomas during your studies, from TSI and Hogeschool Zeeland (HZ) University of Applied Sciences, by taking a choice in the 5th study semester
  • Continue your studies in the master’s programme Transport and Logistics, Msc

Career Prospectives

  • Enterprise logistics manager;
  • transport manager (all kinds of transportation);
  • Supply chain analyst;
  • Procurement manager;
  • Distribution center manager; warehousing manager and terminal manager

Application Requirements

  • Completed secondary education
    • Main certificates
    • Transcript of grades

  • Good or excellent final grades in the following subjects
    • English*
    • Mathematics

  • Eligibility for university in the home country

 * International test score (e.g. IELTS, TOEFL, etc.)/ secondary school grade is required in the absence of which you may provide us with an MOI Letter. 

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