Quick Application
Quick Application


Level: Bachelor

Degree conferred: Professional Bachelor in Electronics and Automation and Engineer in Electronics

Duration: 4.5 years

Registration: Reg fee 300 EUR, One time deposit 500 EUR 

Tuition fee:  3 500 € / year

Course Info

A degree in Robotics is a starting point for your amazing career path in the field of robotics and automation. Our program will enrich you not only with fundamental knowledge but also practical skills by having internships with our industrial partners. During your study, you will be able to enjoy our labs and get practice with our industrial robots from worldwide known brands Kawasaki, Kuka, ABB, and Universal Robot and famous NAO, Khepera IV, and Koala robots. Moreover, during your study, you will have the ability to choose one of the following specializations: Industrial Robotics or Automated Systems.

The teaching staff both from academia and industry is ready to help you to get the degree and start your career in the most growing domain.

Career Prospectives

With a degree in Robotics, any production company around the world including Latvia will be happy to see you as an employee for positions of

  • robot programmer/engineer
  • automation engineer
  • automated solution engineer
  • robotic cells integrator, programmer, and configurator
  • many of our students are opening their own companies in the field of robotics and automation, or joining management positions, so this is a great opportunity to become a big boss

Application Requirements

  • Completed secondary education
    • Main certificates
    • Transcript of grades

  • Good or excellent final grades in the following subjects
    • English*
    • Mathematics

  • Eligibility for university in the home country

 * International test score (e.g. IELTS, TOEFL, etc.)/ secondary school grade is required in the absence of which you may provide us with an MOI Letter. 

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