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Length: 1.5 years

Level: Masters

Fee: 2900 € / year

Course Info

About the programme:

The competitive advantages of the study programme "Ecotechnologies" and the specific niche in the field of sustainable development of higher professional education is determined by consequent implementation of the interdisciplinary principle, making accents on the social and humanitarian dimension, which often is ignored, but actualisation of which is a significant condition for implementation of consumptive, Eco-technological lifestyle, enriching of multifunctional spectrum of ecotechnologies and keeping traditional cultural environment. Integration of holistic and post-modern paradigm principles into the programme stimulate creation of Eco-Innovations and development processes of knowledge society.


1. to provide critically reflecting understanding of conceptual knowledge in the field of Environmental sciences and to develop students' specialisation skills to apply such knowledge in the field of Environment Engineering, Environment Economics, Society Health;

2. to promote development of professional skills in the field of Ecotechnologies according to the requirements of labour market, social, environmental and economical skills, and also to promote creative and critical thinking of students;

3. to involve students into research activities, creation of innovations and transfer thereof into Economics, Environment and Social field;

4. to promote the feeling of belonging to the united European educational space and abilities and skills to constructively evaluate variety thereof.

The aim of the programme is to provide professional master studies in the field of Ecotechnologies directed to holistic and sustainable development according to the economical, environmental and social needs of the government, by promoting integration of interdisciplinary and research activities and competencies of the environmental experts oriented to constant sustainable development.

Main subjects are: Environmental science and management, Ecology and Development of Ecotechnologies, Systems of Environment Technologies, Interdisciplinary Environment Economics, Social anthropology in Environment studies, Management of innovations and Eco-Innovation, etc.

Language of the programme: Programme is conducted in English.

Admission requirements:

  • 2nd level Professional higher education in social, environmental, natural or engineering sciences or another 2nd level Professional higher education with at least 2 years job experience in environmental management or environmental engineering.
  • IELTS minimum overall grade of 5.5 or TOEFL iBT / paper based or English language profiency letter or LiepU English test
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