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European Language and Culture Studies

Length: 3 or 4 years

Level: Bachelor

Fee: 2300 € / year

Course Info


3 or 4 years, Academic BACHELOR’S degree of Humanitarian Sciences in English and French language and culture studies, or in English and German language and culture studies, or in English and Latvian* language and culture studies, or in English and Russian language and culture studies, or in English and Spanish language and culture studies

Admission for the Fall intake only. Application deadline 1st June!

About the programme:

The aim of the program is to provide the students an opportunity to acquire basic academic education and the Bachelor’s Degree in English and French language and culture studies, or in English and German language and culture studies, or in the English and Latvian* language and culture studies, or in English and Russian language and culture studies, or in English and Spanish language and culture studies, promoting acquisition of theoretical knowledge, independent research skills and techniques within the sphere of European language and culture studies, providing an opportunity to prepare oneself for independent professional activity in the spheres.

Achieved C1 or C2 level In English and B2 or C1 level for 2nd language according to CEFR levels.

Main subjects are:

Compulsory study courses - general education humanities studies: Introduction into Culture Studies, World Literature and Culture, Philosophy, Latvian Language for Foreign Students and English language and culture studies, Practical Phonetics, Practical Grammar, Lexico-stylistics, Written and Oral Communication, Culture Studies, 20th Century English Literature in Original Language, Translation Methods and Practice.

Optional study courses - French or German, or Russian, or Spanish, or Latvian language and culture studies: Practical Phonetics, Practical Grammar, Lexico-stylistics, Written and Oral Communication, Culture Studies, 20th Century French or Russian, or Spanish, or Latvian Literature in Original Language, Translation Methods and Practice.

Admission requirements:

  • Secondary (High) School Graduation Certificate and Transcript with good results. Education documents must be accompanied by English translations of all certificates and transcripts along with approval of the documents authenticity.
  • IELTS minimum overall grade of 5.5 or TOEFL iBT / paper based or English language profiency letter 
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