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Circular Economy and Social Entrepreneurship

Length: 2 years

Level: Masters

Fee: 3100 € / year

Course Info

A unique study program that will prepare specialists with in-depth knowledge of management sciences, circular economics and social entrepreneurship, which will provide them with the ability to establish, manage and develop companies in the field of circular economics and social entrepreneurship.

Forbes has named Sustainability and Social engagement as the most important business trends in 2021.

McKinsey, a global business consulting firm, says companies need to take into account investor concerns about sustainability and need to take care of decrease climate risks.. In its "Global Outlook 2021" report, the global investment company BlackRock Investment Institute emphasizes sustainability as a key component in investment decisions.

Degree to be achieved: Academic Master of Social Sciences in Management and Administration.


  • To provide students with a set of knowledge, skills and competences in the area of circular economy and social entrepreneurship in accordance with the 7th framework level of the Latvian educational classification.
  • Prepare competitive specialists and entrepreneurs for Latvian and international market in the area of circular economy and social entrepreneurship in order to attain sustainable development goals.


  • Know and understand the main management, circular economy and social entrepreneurship theory, associated concepts and related notions and terms.
  • Know and understand the processes and consistencies of circular economy, social entrepreneurship and related fields.
  • Know and understand the latest trends and developments in circular economy, social entrepreneurship and related fields.


  • Able to provide arguments in discussing the aspects of management, circular economy and social entrepreneurship.
  • Able to correctly apply qualitative, quantitative methods, as well as a variety of tools (including digital) to evaluate information in terms of critical analysis and a variety of scientific and professional challenges of circular economy, social entrepreneurship and related fields
  • Able to organize and carry out a study in the area of circular economy and social entrepreneurship in accordance with academic ethical principles.
  • Able to reflect in writing and orally present the tasks carried out or the results of research.


  • Able to independently formulate and critically analyze scientific and professional problems in the area of company management, circular economy, social entrepreneurship and related fields at national and individual level.
  • Able to generate ideas and solutions for sustainable development of business in accordance with ethical and social responsibility standards.


  • Introduction in studies
  • Environmental policy
  • Sustainable development
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Circular economy
  • Research methods and organization of academic work
  • Legal framework for circular economy and social entrepreneurship
  • Design thinking
  • Startup entrepreneurship
  • Social entrepreneurship


  • Strategic and change management
  • Academic English
  • Financial Management of Companies
  • Intellectual capital management
  • Intercultural communication
  • Integrated management systems
  • Labor, environmental and civil protection (if not completed at previous education levels)


  • Master Thesis

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