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Business Administration

Length: 2 years

Level: Masters

Fee: 3 100 € / year

Course Info


  • to provide students with a set of knowledge, skills and competence in management science according to the 7th level of the framework defined in the Latvian education classification;
  • educate specialists in business management with analytical and systemic thinking, whose knowledge and skills enable managing companies or organizations.


  • provide a study process that complies with the laws and requirements of the labour market, as well as student-centred approach in higher education;
  • to promote qualification development of the teaching staff in educational and scientific fields;
  • to provide and develop research activities in the study programme;
  • to provide and develop infrastructure and facilities under the study programme implementation needs;
  • to develop international cooperation with related higher education institutions, enterprises and organizations

Knowledge (knowledge and understanding):

knows management theories and approaches to manage organisations;

understands the principles of business management and business performance;

knows the latest trends in management science.

Skills (ability to apply knowledge, communication skills, general skills):

is able to manage the organization activities;

is able to apply the newest knowledge and technologies of management science in organization management;

is able to conduct research on organisation management processes;

is able to reasonably discuss aspects of management science;

is able to take responsibility for the results of working groups and carry out their analysis;

is able to organise their work independently.

Competence (analysis, synthesis, evaluation):

is able to formulate and critically analyse complex scientific and professional problems in management science;

is able to find innovative solutions to identified problems in the organisation;

is able to make reasoned decisions in the management of the organisation in accordance with ethical standards.

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