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Computer Engineering and Electronics

Level: Bachelor

Degree conferred: Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Automation

Duration: 4 years

Registration: Reg fee 300 EUR, One time deposit 500 EUR 

Tuition fee:  3 500 € / year

Course Info

Today’s technology industry offers ready-to-use standardized products, the combination and programming of which is the main task of a computer engineer.

In the development process of the study programme professionals from the industry took part, who especially emphasized that professional electronics specialists are needed, but much more needed are those who understand well how one or another device works, and at the same time know how to combine, integrate and program them, creating a unique functional product from standardized devices.

The study programme includes following study courses:

  • Automation of Building Engineering Systems
  • Control programs Design for Industrial Robots
  • Cybersecurity
  • Design of Automated Systems
  • Development of Automated Industrial Systems
  • Digital Telecommunication Systems Technologies
  • Embedded Systems Design
  • Internet of Things Engineering
  • Mobile and Satellite Telecommunication Systems
  • Software Engineering
  • Wireless Communications and much more.

Lectures are taught by both professors with very deep academic knowledge and industry specialists, who talk in depth about possible problems in the industry and ways to solve them, allowing you to look at various things through the prism of the real work environment. It allows students to analyze the operating principles of embedded and telecommunication systems of various complexity, modern computer networks and industrial automation processor systems, as well as to effectively solve various project and production technological tasks using processors and electronic equipment.

Besides the theory, the programme also includes many practical lessons: students individually or in groups develop new functional devices for embedded electronic and telecommunication systems, computer networks and industrial automation systems. By combining academic and practical knowledge, young specialists, and future graduates of the programme, will be professionally prepared for real life and the Latvian and international labor market.

Application Requirements

  • Completed secondary education
    • Main certificates
    • Transcript of grades

  • Good or excellent final grades in the following subjects
    • English*
    • Mathematics

  • Eligibility for university in the home country

 * International test score (e.g. IELTS, TOEFL, etc.)/ secondary school grade is required in the absence of which you may provide us with an MOI Letter. 

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